You know what makes me even more jerkish? I have no reason what so ever to be worried. I have the most wonderful women in my life (Mommy and Sydney Baird, for example) who have taken care of everything! The only thing I have to do is finalize decisions and get everything paid for. I guess I just don't like to take care of my own stuff so I just keep putting it off until I freak myself out. But after reading Emily's blog, I realized that every bride has meltdowns and difficulties, most worse than my petty worries, and life moves on. If it rains, we'll break out the umbrellas and rainboots; If it's too hot, well, we're Alabamians and we'll pull through!
At this time I would like to put an offical end to this party. I'm am changing my attitude for the better and making a point to remember that no matter how stressed I may be,
"all things work together for good to those who love God"
Romans 28:8
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