Today I've noticed a lot of blogs doing a year in pictures sort of thing so I've decided to jump right on the bandwagon! After all, 2010 was such a fabulous year!
In January, Tommy turned 18 and we got cute puppy Flex |
In Febuary, me and my pretty friends had a blast at Vista Formal with our awkward hands. |
In April, we went Back to the 80s in a super fun musical! |
Also in April (the 4th to be exact) Tom and I went to the zoo to celebrate our anniversary! We loooooved the birds! |
SUPER eventful month! Prom at the end of April, where I met Libby Scott :) |
On May 13th Haleigh and Tom graduated from County High |
And May 14th bffs Keli and Meghan graduated from Holt
(and I have to say, as much as I love them, it was the most ghetto graduation I'd ever seen) |
Made cool plaques with fun friends Sydney and Mary Ann at All Fired Up in June |
Hung out in Panama City with Tommy's family 4th of July week |

painted up for every football game in August with my best friends
stayed up for 49 hours in September to hang the Hillcrest flag
October was definately worth remembering! Tommy proposed, they let me be Homecoming Queen, I got to see these sweet girls (Sara&Abby) and I turned the big 1-8. But the end of the month we said good-bye to my Pawpaw, but it's alright because, in Abby's words, "He's with Jesus now so you don't have to cry."
In November, Brandon did an ah-mazing job in his first play and I got in touch with my inner Nanny Fine. And Tom found us a house!
The year ended with a glorious snow dump in Ft. Payne and Gatlinburg on Christmas day
I'm sure none of you are this interested in my life but I'm really glad I did this post because I almost forgot how much fun I had this year! It was full of the highest highs and the lowest lows and because of them, I am a stronger, wiser person. I am the most thankful to God for bringing me through everything and opening so many doors. Yay Life!!
This year's resolution make working out a habit. at least until the wedding.
Great fun! Wish I had caught your musical, and hey, can you really hold the birds at the zoo? Awesome!